Thursday, February 14, 2013

Precious Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter, 40 pound bag

I work at a pet store and own two cats. I'm able to test litter used for one cat per box at home, and multiple cats at the adoption center located within my store. I've also had the opportunity to try a great deal of products. This litter is absolutely amazing, the best I've ever used. The clumps are as hard as rocks, but at the same time don't break apart into smaller pieces like some other litters do. It's unscented, and the litter box remains odorless even after heavy use. It's also dust free.

To compare to other brands:

World's Best is natural, flushable, non-toxic, and clumping. However, if you live in a small house or apartment the smell will get to you. The litter box will smell like vomit even after a couple uses. I have never used Swheat Scoop, but I heard it's a little better with smell than World's Best.

Fresh Step, Tidy Cats, Premium Choice, and Petco's store brand are decent, but each has disadvantages like dust, or clumps breaking apart or turning into sticky mud. They're relatively cheap however, so this is a major advantage for those on a tight budget.

Crystal litters have amazing odor control, last awhile, and don't track. There isn't a single clumping litter that doesn't track. The problem, however is with diarrhea or loose stools. You'll end up throwing away a ton of litter since the crystals don't clump. Not all cats will use the crystals, and some people are also worried about health effects from the silica dust, though companies that produce the litter claim it is non-toxic.

Cedar, crushed pea, pine cone, and cellulose litters all have their own problems. The crushed pea litter is basically dust in a bag. Even though the smells of pine or cedar are pleasant to humans and mask the smell of urine and feces, many cats are afraid of the odor and won't use the litter box. These litters also suffer from the same problems as the crystals with regards to diarrhea and loose stools. Cellulose litters don't smell, but they also cannot handle loose stools and may not absorb as well as crystals.

If a natural, flushable, environmentally litter is important to you, by all means purchase a litter based on wheat or corn. If price is the most important factor, buy a cheap clumping brand if minor inconveniences don't bother you too much. If you want a reasonably priced, high quality product with no dust and great clumping ability then choose Precious Cat Ultra.

This litter works very well. I can't stand having my cats smell of perfumed litter and this litter works without all the dust and perfumes of your average clumping litter. I'd recommend it to anyone. I have 3 cats and it does a great job.

Before I start this review, let me start by saying that I do NOT work for the company or anything like that. I am just a crazy cat lady that has a loving husband that is a just as crazy about them as I. All of our cats (yes, 7 CATS) are rescue cats-we have either gotten them from someone needing to give them to a good home, they have come up to our door, or we have taken ownership through adopting.

We have 2 cats that have cystitis. If anyone knows about that, it can be a real bummer when it comes to them needing to use the litter box. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Then we found that one of our cats has asthma. I started to do research on asthma and found that a lot of times litter and dust from the litter can wreak havoc on an asthmatic cat. Well, in my search to find the PERFECT litter so that our little boy could breath better without having to take steroids constantly, I came across some information that because a lot of litter has silica in it, can actually CAUSE respiratory problems!! I have noticed in our other cats that they ALL have some sort of coughing, or wheezing going on!! Now I know why!!!

So, there were several litters out there that were just so-so. Then I came across this one...when I was almost ready to give up! I swear it just popped onto the screen and I thought "oh, what's this one??" Cats do NOT like perfumey smells in their litter. They also do not like citrus smells. (try taking an orange out and cutting it up and put it near the cat...he'll RUN!...oh, this is also good to put in areas where they may will keep them from going back. Anyway, that is one thing they don't like is for their litter box to have a scent. Therefore, when this one popped up, I took a look at all the reviews and wow...most of them were all 5's! The only real drawback was that it comes in a heavy bag...but whatever! It is SO worth it to know I have a healthier place for our "kids" to go to the bathroom.

I opened the bag up in an enclosed area (accidentally) and thought "oh shoot...what am I doing...I shouldn't breath this stuff in"...well to my surprise, NO DUST!!! I couldn't believe it. I mean, it is virtually dustless. Now, there may be a TAD of dust, but really it's like there is NOTHING there!!!!

There is also no perfume so it's really great for them. It also CLUMPS, believe it or not! I thought "oh yeah, this stuff won't clump"...but it totally does! Did I mention we have 7 CATS!!! Yes, 7 CATS and the stuff clumps with all of them using the box.

Oh, another thing...we had another litter box out with another really good brand of litter and they always went in that litter too...but when I put the Precious Cat in the other box (yeah, we only have 2 boxes for 7 cats...I clean it out 3 times a day...) they no longer use the other litter box...they all go in the one that has the Precious Cat!!

I'm telling you all...I am totally sold on this stuff and unless there is some other miracle brand out there...this is it by far! I have had cats for 30 years now, so you can imagine all the litter I have tried.

I urge you to just TRY this stuff...if you don't like it...TAKE IT BACK! I am queen of take-backs because I don't believe in keeping something I don't like. All they can say is no...and Petsmart and Petco have always taken my products back if I find they don't work.

Sorry this is so long, but I really felt the need to write how much I love this stuff. It's also only $14.00 for a 40 lb. bag..that is nothing when you think about it!

Do it for the love of your cats...they are God's creatures and He has given them to us to take care of...and this is one major way to see that their health is protected. That dusty junk is just that...JUNK!

This cat litter is a treat to use. With my 5 cats, we clean cat box twice a day. I say we because until now my 10 yr. old would never clean the box before, because in his words "it was too yucky and gross." Since I found this litter on Amazon, he has cleaned it a couple of times for me and says "this really isn't so bad"
You don't get the cloud of dust in your face when you pour it in the pan. Also, even though it has no perfume to bother our alergies, it really covers the odor as long as the cats cover their waste completly and when they don't, we just use the scoop to toss some over and the smell is gone. It absorbs the moisture from the waste quickly.
Recently, I went out of town for the weekend and set up an extra litter box. I was expecting a total mess on my return, but was pleasantly surprised there was no major odor problem as I had experienced with other major brands.
This is a great product for cat lovers. I'm not saying its a joy to clean the box now (I'm not that zen) but it sure makes it faster and easier. It also seems to keep most waste towards the middle of the litter in the box, so I only have to do a total cleaning (dump everything and scrub the box) monthly instead of biweekly as I did before. 6 stars ******

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