Thursday, February 21, 2013

PlayStation 3 120GB System

After much research, I purchased two PS3 Slim's for my HDTV's because they come with built-in Wi-Fi and a great Blu-Ray player, in addition to being an awesome gaming system. Plus, the HDMI connections are easy and excellent quality. I'm 62, and was looking for a box that would let me use the wide selection of Netflix instant download movies and programs. I'm happy to report that the picture and sound quality of Netflix downloads is very good on the PS3. Much faster and better than I expected. Not hi-def, but better than regular TV. And I have the Blu-Ray to watch movies by mail from Netflix at the highest quality. Blu-Ray really is an awesome experience if you have a big HDTV and a surround sound system. I use the Sony CT-500 sound bar and subwoofer that has amazing sound quality and separation.

Sony markets the PS3 as an "entertainment system" and I agree that it serves this function very well for me. I returned my hi-def cable boxes to Cox and am now saving $65 per month that was being wasted on crummy channels with endless commercials that I never watched. Now I can get quality programming that I choose myself instantly on demand from Netflix without any commercials. I can play, pause, and re-play a program as much as I like, just like playing a DVD. Sony PS3 plus Netflix really is wonderful and cost-effective solution for users like me...

Highly recommended!

I'm going to try to hide my disgruntled ex-Xbox360 angst as I write this. If you are in the same boat that I was, you own a 360, it broke, and you are considering switching to the PS3 (especially with the price drop), this review is for you.

Side by side, the PS3 and the 360 have many similarities. Graphically, they are close, although I think that the Sony edges out the 360 by a little. Clarity and rendering seems smoother and more flawless. Sound is improved, but the truth is, my 360 only had component outputs (no HDMI) and the PS3 is running straight HDMI signal. So, perhaps its unfair, but I didnt have the choice with the Xbox (it was a first gen 360, I realize its an option now).

Game catalogs both have their high points. No one can deny Gears of War, but I am seeing a trend that the really good games are almost always multiplatform now, and the Sony has some that I can't deny are some of the best I've seen. Upcoming PS3-only games like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 I feel will seal the deal for me. All my other favorites are available on both systems (GTA, Saints Row 2, Mercs 2, Assassins Creed, Bioshock), so there's really no loser there.

Hardware-wise, the PS3 is the strong, silent type. I mean, its like a Lexus to a Fast-and-Furious exhaust modified Civic as far as noise. My 360 was unbelievably loud, and frankly distracted gameplay because of it. Subtle, ambient surround-sound noises are heard easily with the Sony. Also, it puts off little to no heat. I'm not kidding in any way, my 360 used to raise the temp of my "game room" about 5 degrees or more, it was crazy.

I wont get into longevity and long-term failure rates on both systems. The data is out there, and the PS3 has a much higher success rate in this category. Money doesnt grow on trees, and I really feel that I should only have to buy one console per generation of a system. If I could do it all over again, I would've gone with the PS3 from the start.

Now, I dont online-game, so if thats your thing, then you may take my advice with a grain of salt. If you are like me and pretty much solo or co-op play on-site, then you won't miss "Live".

I'm loving the specs, I'm loving the quietness, and I'm loving the Blu-ray player. I can't recommend the Playstation 3 enough.

I have an 80 Gb PS3, so will probably not be getting one. That having beens said. this may be the answer Sony has been looking for. With the Large Hdd and the pricing, it may be the thing to get the consumers attention. The biggest problem I have heard concerning the PS3 is price. This is a very good price for what you will be getting. This may push those who were on the fence about laying out the money, over to buying one. Hopefully, this new developement will be the thing to spur sales of the console and by extention create greater support by game developers for the PS3. It is only $[...] more then the Wii and you get a heckuva lot more for your buck. As for lack of backwards compatibility, no problem. The PS2 slimline has come down in price. I also have a PS2 ( Non Slimline )so I enjoy games for both.

Video Games Shop Sale!
Video Games Shop Sale!!